The newest version of the PasswordPump sports a joystick instead of a rotary encoder! A new case is also available. This makes it a little easier to carry the PasswordPump around in your pocket. If you're interested in purchasing a PasswordPump Joystick model with a case you can get 20% off by using the promo code PUMPITUP on Tindie.
There is now a Windows installation kit available here for the PasswordPumpGUI, the program that you use to edit credentials on the PasswordPump when it's connected to your computer. It's no longer necessary to install Python to use the PasswordPumpGUI client.
The rotary encoder PasswordPump is still available as well.
More News
There have been many updates to the Users Guide, the best place for up-to-date comprehensive information about the PasswordPump.
.stl files for the Joystick Model case have been posted, thanks to Scootercommuter.
A new release of the firmware is available, Version:, which addresses an issue with the handling of group names between the PasswordPump and the PasswordPumpGUI. Navigate here and select the version of firmware to download based on your model.
There are several new cases to announce; there is a new case for the rotary encoder model available on Tindie. Soon to follow there will be a new case available for the Joystick model that looks pretty cool. Both of these cases were designed and donated by scootercommuter. Because 3D printing is expensive I'll be selling them on Tindie for a price that's quite close to my cost. Finally there is an acrylic enclosure on the way, the enclosure that's depicted on the front of the Users Guide. The .stl files for the two cases are posted on this site so that you can print them out yourself if you have a 3D printer (thanks scootercommuter!).
Finally, if you are interested in any of these cases/enclosures and they are not in stock on Tindie send me an email ( so that I know there is interest. There are pictures of all three designs in the media section of this site, located here (best viewed by downloading):
The PasswordPump Joystick model, available here, can be purchased fully assembled or as a kit.
Everything you need to create your own PasswordPump, including the PCB design files, are included on this site and on GitHub.